

Newley engaged? Have no idea where to start in planning your wedding?

Join us for


A informative series for "the bride to be".



Bella Upstyles

The Perfect Pair

Pure Barre

and myself on Sunday, Sept. 15th, 2-4 PM.

The event is free, simply


using the link below. Looking forward to a fabulous afternoon with food, fun and giveaways!

engaged photography
engaged photography

It can be overwhelming planning your wedding and we know this. Knowing what is on the to-do list, where to start and what to do next is quite a task!!

Together, the Triad's top wedding industry (NoteWorthy Stationary, The Perfect Pair, and Sally Gupton Photography) have collaborated to bring you multiple wedding vendors to meet with and tell you all the secrets.

With a rotation of wedding specialists, topics and discussion you are invited to join us as we share what you can expect from the industry, as well as ideas for your day and helpful tools to prepare you for meeting with your vendors.

Our goal? To allow you the opportunity to hear wedding experts talk about their speciality in a relaxed, hands on, no pressure environment. Our goal is not to sale anything to you. We just want to talk to you about what we do best, in hopes that it can help prepare you when talking to your wedding vendors. Over all, we'd like to make planning your wedding fun and celebratory! Not stressful and overwhelming. AND we have Swag to send you home with!

Join us quarterly on Sunday afternoons at NoteWorthy Stationary & Gifts in Thruway Shopping Center (282 South Stratford Road Winston Salem NC). Next event is Sunday September 15th, 2-4pm.

Event is free, however, registration is required. Bring your fiance, mom, maid of honor and lets get down to the fun of planning your wedding!

REGISTER HERE: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e7wi5adoa84006e9&llr=f7a44dcab

Questions? Contact Emily at NoteWorthy phone::336-724-1430 email:: noteworthyproof@gmail.comRegister Today at:

Hope to see you there!

North Carolina Wedding Photography {Yoshie + Will}

North Carolina Wedding Photography {Yoshie + Will}

Winston Salem NC Children's Photographer::Michael

Winston Salem NC Children's Photographer::Michael