Paula [bridal]
The entire time I was shooting this bridal session of Paula, I kept thinking about how much she reminded me of Audrey Hepburn. Maybe in the eyes, or the simple elegance. Paula studied dance at NC School of the Arts, ballerina among many other. The bridal session was held at Agnes de Mille Theatre located on the campus of NCSA, the stage where Paula spent the highlight of her dance days, an extremely special place to compliment that time in her life. We ended the bridal session at the Stevens Center. I used one of my favorite props, the vintage couch! I need a trailer and a crew of men to assist me in carrying that thing around!
We discussed this image prior to shooting it and I described to her the feeling of the look i wanted. Imagine an exhausted dancer that had just finished a string of shows for the night. As she threw her veil over her shoulder and gently collapsed into the mirror she totally fell into the role I envisioned.
[make.up artist] Let me tell you about Amanda! This woman is an AMAZING make-up artist. We have seem to have fallen into the same realm of clientele, so we have ended up running into one another quite often. It is always a pleasant suprise and now I recommend her to anyone that is looking for a make up artist. She is so kind, easy going, goes above and beyond what anyone expects not to mention her mad make-up skills. And the best part! She'll come to you! Here in this image she steps in during the shoot to touch up Paula's lips.
If you're interested in contacting Amanda you can email her at or contact me for her phone.
[photo note] lighting used was a combination of alien bees, umbrellas, diffusers, SB800 and stage lights. See set up below, below images of Sally Gupton Photography taken by Grant Blair: